Monday, September 27, 2010

Project 365: The Beginning

Oh my goodness, it has been far too long since I have been on my blog. I have been so crazy busy with moving back to school, the beginning of classes, and the craziness that life continues to throw at me! But I am back and with a new mission! With the arrival of my 20th birthday, I can still hardly believe that I am 2 whole decades old! I don't feel any different yet but whenever I think about that past few years of my life, I am absolutely amazed at how fast the time is flying by. And so, on the eve of my 20th birthday I was thinking about the excitement of the upcoming year. Turning 20 is more than just leaving my teenage years behind--it is the start of a plethora of new adventures! And so, in order to capture all of the wonderful adventures this next year will hold, I decided to begin a project, known as Project 365. I will document the topsy turvy times of the next 365 days of my life with a photo, one for each day of the year! And so begins the adventures...!

Here's To The Beginning of a New Year, a New Decade, a New Chapter!