Lots going on around here—we got back late Monday night from a weekend trip to visit family in Atlanta. We had an absolute blast! They live in Reynolds Plantation, on Lake Oconee. Each morning we would wake up, go to breakfast, and then spend the day tubing, wakeboarding, wake surfing, and cruising around on the boat. As soon as I upload the darn pictures I will post about the trip. So until then, here is the scoop on the rest of the craziness.
*I did in fact complete my trial 10K (give or take…I was running at the park). I completed it in a time of 52:18 and I was excited to have finished it so well (this is what is leading me to think the park may not be accurate in their mileage of the trails) but nonetheless I was happy! In the mean time, I have been running my usual 3-4 miles and am hoping to do another 10K trial run on Saturday—the race is only a week and a half away!
*I head back to school on Sunday, which has me in a mad rush to pack everything up. I finally feel I have settled in after moving back from school to my house and then to Chris’ house and now I have to repack up all my stuff and head back to school. It is definitely not fun to feel like a nomad. Which I do.
*We cleaned out the fridge before we went to Atlanta and apparently we have decided that eating is an optional activity that we are no longer partaking in. We have absolutely nothing in the fridge. Nadda. Zippo. Zilch. Not even a box of baking soda in there. So I know where I will be headed after work…
*Speaking of the store, I love grocery shopping and I can’t wait to head to Costco this weekend to get lots of things that I need for heading back to school!
*On a lot of the blogs I read, everyone is talking about dieting and what not. Personally, I have never been on a diet, so I am not really at liberty to make too many comments but it has caused me to think a lot about diets. I don’t think I could ever do the diet thing. It’s not because I don’t have the willpower, I have A LOT of willpower, but I don’t think I would be happy on a diet. And since you only live once, I would much rather enjoy a few treats here and there than be miserable and on a diet. I guess it also helps that I like to run—but don’t let that fool you—I like to eat even more! So, for all you dieters, kudos to you, but don’t forget to enjoy every delicious moment of life—you only live once!
*I have not done too much shopping this summer but I have done a lot of working and so before I head back to school, I want to buy myself a little treat. I am thinking about getting a magazine subscription, because I LOVE getting mail and I also love to read magazines. I would love any suggestions on a good magazine to subscribe to!
*I started a fabulous book the other day—it’s called South of Broad by Pat Conroy. It is set in Charleston, NC and it tells the story of “a unique cast of sinners and saints…Leopold Bloom King, our narrator, is the son of an amiable, loving father who teaches science at a local high school. His mother, an ex-nun is the high school principal…” Since I just started, I took a little recap from the back cover to describe a little about the book but seriously, it is really great—I have laughed out loud about a hundred times already!
*Last, sorry to digress—but I am not too excited about heading back to school. It’s not that I don’t like Dayton. I love the school, my classes, my friends, and the independence. I am a very independent person and I like being able to decide when/how I want to do things. Its more the fact that, as my mom always says, “I was born at the age of 30.” I am just kind of over the whole college lifestyle thing. Anyone else ever feel this way when they were in school? I always hear everyone say that college is the best four years of your life…but I am hoping for greener grass on the other side!
*Well, I don’t want to bore all of you too much, hope you are all having a good week and I promise that my next post will have pictures and hopefully a little more pep and excitement!
Kudos to you for completing that 10K!!! So awesome!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are busy-busy. Good luck getting everything together to go back to school. Enjoy yourself!
p.s. I love Costco too. Could spend hours in that store!